Thursday, May 31, 2012

Apple Macintosh Keyboard shortcut keys

    • Open Apple + Down
    Opens the selected icon.
    • Shift + Click
    Select the icon and add it to the set of those selected.
    • Tab
    Highlight the next icon inside the folder, in alphabetical order.
    • Shift + Tab
    Highlight the previous icon inside the folder, in alphabetical order.
    • Left arrow
    Used when viewing by icon to select the icon to the left of the one highlighted.
    • Right arrow
    Used when viewing by icon to select icon to the right of the one highlighted.
    • Up arrow
    Used to select the icon above the one currently highlighted.
    • Down arrow
    Used to select the icon below the one currently highlighted.
    • Open Apple + ?
    Mac help
    • Open Apple + E
    • Open Apple + Shift + Up Arrow
    Used to direct the input focus to the desktop level.
    • Open Apple + M
    Minimize window
    • Open Apple + N
    New finder window
    • Open Apple + Shift + N
    New folder
    • Open Apple + W
    Close the current window.
    • Open Apple + C
    Copy the elected item to the clipboard.
    • Open Apple + X
    Cut the selected item.
    • Open Apple + V
    Paste item from the clipboard
    • Open Apple + L
    Make alias
    • Open Apple + R
    Show original item
    • Open Apple + T
    Add to favorites
    • Open Apple + O
    Open the selected icon.
    • Open Apple + F
    Display the find dialog box.
    • Open Apple + G
    Repeat the last find operation.
    • Open Apple + Shift + G
    Takes a snapshot of the screen and saves it to a PICT file.

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